Executive Search
Deros International is the local representative of international executive search giant, J Friisberg & Partners offering global services to their clients in Southern Africa. J. Friisberg & Partners was founded in 1977 and is a partner-owned management consulting firm specialising in Executive Search. It is one of the oldest surviving executive search firms in Europe with six of the offices founded and managed by female entrepreneurs. They are staffed with highly qualified consultants and researchers of many nationalities and have a presence in twenty European countries.
According to an annual survey conducted by Human Capital at Deloitte the average executive turnover in South Africa for the period August 2007 to July 2008 increased to 13,5 percent compared to 10,5 percent in the same period last year. These figures suggest that South Africa is losing up to 50 percent of its executives every four to five years. Australia is the main destination for executives leaving South Africa, followed by the UK. The main reasons for top executives leaving the country include early retirement (22%), emigration (15%), lack of career advancement (11%) and retrenchment (11%). Manufacturing and finance were the two sectors which reported the highest percentages of executives emigrating over the last three years. (Source: The Star – 2 September 2008). A survey conducted by FutureFact found that 40% of South Africans, across all races, are considering leaving the country to take their skills somewhere else. These are alarming statistics and further exacerbate the skills crisis locally.
Skills shortage is South Africa's Achilles heel.